Author Dong Yi Kim, M.D., Jai Kyoon Joo, M.D., Seong Yeob Ryu, M.D., Young Jin Kim, M.D., Shin Kon Kim, M.D. and Sang Woo Juhng, M.D.1
Place of duty Division of Gastroenterogic Surgery, Departments of Surgery and 1Pathology, Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju, Korea
Title Metastatic Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Small Intestine Arising from The Lung
Publicationinfo Cancer Research and Treatment 2003 Aug; 035(04): 364-366.
Key_word Lung neoplasm, Metastasis, Small intestine
Abstract A metastatic carcinoma of the small intestine is rare. Here, the case study of an 80-year-old lung carcinoma patient, with generalized peritonitis due to neoplastic perforation of the small intestine is reported. Pathological studies of a small intestinal mass revealed a metastatic anaplastic carcinoma arising from the lung. Patients with known lung carcinoma, who develop abdominal complaints, should be examined thoroughly. Although it is very difficult to diagnose and treat a metastatic carcinoma of the small intestine, in our judgment, with a greater awareness of this neoplasm, more cases may be diagnosed in the early stages, leading to improved rates of survival. (Cancer Research and Treatment 2003;35:364-366